Graphic Design
A high quality print is a great thing. A high quality print of a high quality design is even better.
Most screen printing shops have an Art Department, responsible for processing graphics files provided by their customers, and preparing them for screen printing. Occasionally, they get to create original designs. But for the most part, their focus is on technical execution, making sure that provided art is set up properly.
In the Image 420 Art Department, we take great pride in prepress setups, as well. But we also go a few steps further.
When presented with the opportunity to create original designs for our clients, we seize it. To see a sampling of the original design works we have provided for our customers, check out our Portfolio:
We charge $35.00 per hour for basic Art Services.
For logo and identity design, we can provide you with a flat-rate quote, based on your needs. A deposit may be required. Use the contact form at the bottom of this page to contact our Art Department, and set up a consultation.
Art Submission Guidelines
When providing your own art for printing, there are some criteria that you will need to meet, in order to avoid incurring Art Charges from us. In this section, we will explain the digital file types that we accept, and some that we cannot accept.
Preferred - Vector Art
Vector Art is created using software programs such as Adobe Illustrator, CorelDraw, InkScape, etc.
Files should be saved in one of the following formats:
Convert fonts to Outlines.
For exact color matching (free of charge), please choose colors from the Pantone Solid Coated book.
Raster Art is created in software programs such as Adobe Photoshop. One-color (black and white) designs will need to be set up differently than full-color designs.
For single-color designs:
Files should be saved in one of the following formats:
Resolution should be at least 300dpi. The file should also originate at that resolution. Files that started out at a lower resolution, and are scaled up to 300dpi will need to be reworked, and will incur Art Charges.
Files should be provided at the intended print size. For example, if you want a design to be printed 9 inches wide on the shirts, provide us with a file that is 9 inches wide.
For multi-color designs:
Please Note: Multi-color artwork, such as color photographs, or full-color, hand-rendered drawings, are only printable using our Simulated Spot Process technique. Due to the technical requirements involved with the setup and printing of Simulated Spot Process prints, there is a minimum order of 48 shirts, and a minimum Art setup charge of $70 for these type of projects.
Files should be saved in one of the following formats:
If created in Layers, please send to us unflattened, with the layers intact, on a transparent background, or with the background color on a separate layer from the art.
Resolution should be at least 300dpi. The file should also originate at that resolution. Files that started out at a lower resolution, and are scaled up to 300dpi will need to be reworked, and will incur Art Charges.
Files should be provided at the intended print size. For example, if you want a design to be printed 9 inches wide on the shirts, provide us with a file that is 9 inches wide.
Microsoft Word (and other text-editing programs) can be useful for creating rough compositions. However, they are not suitable for creating print-ready artwork. These files will need to be re-drawn, at a rate of $35 an hour.
We are happy to consult with you about the graphics files that you have, and let you know about any issues that might occur with them. This is a service that we provide free of charge.
Contact us
Use the contact form below to contact our Art Department, and set up a consultation.